Tuesday, November 23, 2010


tajuk cm heppy je kan??? huhuhuh... but not at all... holiday kali ni ak kna stay rmh, n jga kezen2 ak nnt... abg ak pown xde, he taking SPM this year... so i will be alone at home... but lucky my kezen will come to my house so x la boring sgt kn..? huhuh.. i also waiting 4 my belove kezen leena to come to our "TOK" house.. and i will take her to my house.. huhuhu... mampuih tok ak mrh klaw ak wt cmtu lma2.. herm... talking about holiday... last year my family n i went to sabah.. my parents bring my brother n i there bcuz, they said.. 'next year ijah n adik nk exm, adek x blek rmh, so x g mna... mama n abh bwk brcuti siap2' huhuhuu.... but last 5nov ak ikowt bank mak ak g holiday.. we went to bandung...! huhuhu... xbyk gmbr ada sbb we went to bandung 4 shoping not 4 holiday... juz shoping, shoping n shoping.. huhuhu if u ask me nk g bndung lg ke x, i will say u just go n i will kirim u to buy something... ak x nk..! penat..! lg bek ak g daki gunung kinabalu dr penat jmpa owg.. huuhu herm... these are several pix at sabah n bandung:



monsopiad cultural village

at luar jakarta airport

all of us
